Monday, December 8, 2008

Timesheet Audit 1

735: Arrive. Clock in at 730
745: Turn on computer.
749: Go for a bit of a walk.
851: Return to get coffee cup.
853: Go for a bit of a walk to get a coffee.
805: Log in.
80501: Invariably, you will have difficulty logging in. Reboot. Complain. Hit mouse.
815: It's time to work.
904: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
907: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
909: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
911: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
915: It's fucking time for a coffee.
917: The employee next to you has already done more work in the hour 17 he has been here than you will all day. Might as well cease activity now and check your emails.
918: Ask employee next to you if the have seen the video. Show them the video. Send them the video. Watch it over their shoulder.
1028: Time to start thinking about lunch. Make a few phone calls.
1134: Probably okay to go for a bit of a walk and get a coffee. Better have a chat to Finance as well. Might as well. Out for a walk.
1155: Lunch. Clock off at 12.
1240: Lunch over. Clock on at 1230.
1245: Coffee. More email.
1255-1:30: Some decent work. Plenty of time to sneak in a few personal calls.
204: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
206: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
209: It's almost time for a coffee. Time to talk about getting a coffee.
215: It's fucking time for a coffee.
300: Talk loudly about nothing at all. 300 is always time to talk loudly.
310: Make another sexist joke to make it a baker's dozen for the day. The 13th joke is for free.
315: Start packing up.
325: Leave work. Clock off at 330.

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