Friday, January 2, 2009

Bureaucrat's Antithesis (Dead Weight)

Owns no shoes. No watch. Wears bead bracelets and friendship bands made from coloured string and raw leather hide twists. Does not buy clothes. Does not change clothes. Opts not for a towel but to drip dry on the beach. Possibly does not own a towel (does not carry dead weight when travelling). Does not read on the train reads all the time. Inhales books. Inhales books from libraries. Drinks jasmine tea out of small glasses. Has considered opinions about some things. Has opinions on all things. Pot. Alcohol. Can wear a suit, can count times has worn suit on hand. All year tan. Leaves books in hostels in south american countries (does not carry dead weight). Lives off savings, lives off mum. Calico bags, potting plants. Wakes up in the morning and thinks, I am going to do only what I want to do today, and that could be anything. And rolls over and sleeps to late morning.

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