Thursday, January 15, 2009

Somedays (Some Day)

CC the line manager, liberal use of the word 'advise' throughout my phone patter, short sleeve open neck shirts. Tea bag binned by 815, ink stained sleeves at 430. Do a on Monday so b can be done Tuesday so c is completed by Thursday so d is ready on Friday leading to a the following Monday. My life could be a Kelvinator, wheezing away in the back. Constant temperature. Chip off the ice. Once a year hustle it to the grass and hose the insides out. Some days I think I'd rather be stacking shelves at Woolworths. Some days I think I'd rather be doing anything else. I lie in bed and I think, if I just didn't go to work, if I skipped today, and then did not go the next day, and turn that into a week of leave, and then a month of absence, and changed my phone number, and mark all official correspondence return-to-sender. Who would even notice. Maybe I will throw myself in front of a car. It wouldn't be hard. It would be easy. To terminate this negative feedback loop.

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