Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Direction

THERE WILL NOT BE ANY MORE stagedives, cage dancing, cafe, financial review, being a big fish in a small pond and king of the muckheap, yelling at my phone, taking voicemail messages while listening to voicemail messages, two word emails, giving my boss the finger and the office a spray, film festivals, turntables

BUT THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF hot nights, black bean burritos, always being number 1 and still the one, bullshit paperwork, filing, talking to HR, signing in duplicate and triplicate, jammed photocopiers will never go away, and neither will 'this file is corrupt'. Meetings, clients, casual dress codes, abuse, phone calls, abuse, phone calls, abuse, a door to slam and an attitude to match, the mundane, the trivial, tv-on-dvd, Amazon, Ebay.

I am going to take this job and shove it and then take this other job and really give it a go. I've never been the recommended applicant and I never plan to be. You expect second best I'll give you the worst. Paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. I have never failed to fail.

1 comment:

SC said...